Ümit Nuri Yıldız
CEOÜmit Nuri Yıldız was born in Erzurum in 1966. He graduated from the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara University in 1986. He obtained his MSc degree from University of Illinois. In 1987, he started working as Assistant Auditor at Board of Auditors of the Ministry of Finance. Yıldız continued to work in the Ministry as Auditor and Chief Auditor until 1997. He was appointed Deputy General Manager of the Turkish Employment Organization in 1997. He resigned from his position and joined the Alarko Group of Companies in 1998. Mr. Yıldız worked as Senior Vice President, Financial Analysis, System and Planning between 1998-2018. Having been appointed as General Manager of Alarko Holding A.Ş. in 2018, Ümit Nuri Yıldız was elected as Member of the Board of Alarko Holding A.Ş. in 2020. Mr. Yıldız has been appointed as the CEO of Alarko Group of Companies in 2021, and still serves as Board Member of various companies included in Alarko Group of Companies. Ümit Nuri Yıldız speaks English.